
  1. Can you introduce yourself?
  2. Can you share the RemoteTeam story? Getting acquired:
  3. Can you explain the acquisition story? a. Did Gusto reach out to you or you reached out to them? b. How did you appear on their radar? c. How did you engineer interest?
  4. How did the acquisition process go? a. Was this the first acquisition of Gusto? b. Going through the process (each phase / step) c. How long did the process take? d. Any learnings / tips you have for the audience?
  5. How did the integration process go with Gusto? a. Have they integrated RemoteTeam? b. How did Gusto approach the integration? c. How did you motivate your team to join you in this new journey? d. Where do founders have to prepare for?
  6. What role do you currently have at Gusto? Remote Teams:
  7. Remote work was quite criticized in the past year. What do you think people got wrong?
  8. What 3 (often overlooked/ignored) tips can you give the audience on managing an hybrid workforce?
  9. Managing Productivity of people that work remotely – how do you go about it?
  10. Culture – how to create bonds between colleagues who never meet each other? Wrapping up:
  11. Is there anything you like to share that I did not ask?
  12. Lastly, for founders and operators to succeed, do you have any content recommendations? & How can people find you online?

Tell us about your experience founding and building RemoteTeam.

Tell us about your experience is being acquired and integrated into Gusto.

Why are we seeing a rising trend in more international contractors?